New Series – Hack or Hype?

Hack or Hype

Homeowners have always taken on DIY projects – either because they want to or they have to. But in the last couple of years there’s been an explosion of DIY project shortcuts – known as “hacks”. House Hacks flood online platforms like Pinterest and sites like Buzzfeed (and if you follow me on social media you know I’ve posted a lot of them!), but the question is: do they work?

In my new video series I test some of the most common house hacks to see if they really work or if they’re all just a bunch of hype. Watch below to find out!

How to Hammer a Nail

Ever hit your finger while trying to hammer a nail? I have more times than I can remember. Here are two different hacks meant to keep your thumbs bruise-free.

How to Clean Pet Hair

If you’ve got pets, you’ve got pet hair woes. In this video I brave my allergies to test a quick way to get pet hair out of carpet.

How to Repair Scratches on Wood Furniture

Wood furniture can take a real beating. I’ve always used furniture pens to cover minor nicks and scratches but I’ve heard that using walnuts can get you the same results.

How to Remove a Stripped Screw

On a scale from one to ten, trying to remove stripped screws lands somewhere around 11 on the frustration scale. But I’ve heard about a hack that can help…

How to Open a Blister Pack

Is plastic packaging the bane of your existence? In this video I put a common kitchen item to the test to see if it can truly play double duty.


If you have an idea for a house hack you’d like me to test leave a comment below!

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