Kitchen Cabinet Must-Haves to Increase Your ROI
Now more than ever, making decisions that will increase the value and the longevity of your kitchen is a must. Whether you’re staying in your forever home, or you want to enter the increasingly competitive real estate market, make sure you’ve considered these kitchen cabinet must-haves.

Transitional Style
A transitional cabinet style is key to creating a long-lasting impact that will appeal to you (and others!) in the years to come. Shaker-style doors have long been considered the favourite because of their simplicity. Raised panels around the perimeter add a bit of depth, but there’s no ornate details or added frills. This relatively minimalist design suits both contemporary and classic kitchens, meaning it’s the perfect choice when you’re looking to make an investment in your kitchen. For a great example check out Wood Crest’s new YURO style.

Cabinets That Reach the Ceiling
Another important thing to remember is that whenever possible your upper cabinets should reach all the way to the ceiling. Not only does it provide more storage and avoid that awkward space between the cabinets and the ceiling, it creates a more thoughtful “designer” look that can make the ceiling appear higher.

Neutral(ish) Colour
Colour is always controversial, but neutrals are still at the top when it comes to resale value. White and gray will never go out of style, and the ability for new homeowners to add their own spin on a neutral kitchen will always be appealing, however, if you’re planning on staying put for a while there’s no reason not to branch out (a little). I’m not one to recommend anything too crazy, but branching out into blues and greens is a way to add some colour while still being “safe”. While not technically neutrals, blue and green are both fairly adaptable and can fit easily into an otherwise neutral palette. And remember, if you can’t find the exact colour you want, Wood Crest has a custom colour program that allows you to match any colour you like.

Pantry Pullouts
Pull-out food pantries are excellent solutions for making sure all your food items are accessible. These tall narrow cabinets pull right out from the wall so you can access things like canned goods, boxes and bottles without having to stretch or reach too far. Smaller versions are also terrific for holding additional cooking utensils and smaller items. When making decisions about cabinetry make sure you’re taking this kind of accessible storage into account.

Interior Organization
Roll-out trays, including cutlery trays, allow you to maximize the use of even the darkest corners of your cabinetry by making items easily accessible. While there are plenty of simple trays available for purchase, I highly recommend that you opt for pre-installed trays instead. It’s the only way to ensure a proper fit, and frankly, it just looks better. Also, while considering interior organization don’t forget about waste/recycling centres. Rather than have it out in the open, or even in a can under the sink, create a designated space with pull-out bins. Wood Crest’s pull-out waste bin features two bins so you can sort recyclables and waste all in one place. It even has a storage compartment at the side to hold cleaners, disinfectants and garbage bags. It’s these kind of thoughtful details that make a kitchen look better and function more effectively.

The cabinets are a huge component of your kitchen, and the choices you make will impact how your kitchen looks, feels, and functions. A simple door style in a neutral colour will ensure the style will last for years to come, while the right interior storage and organization will keep it functional and effective. These are key components for increasing your return on investment.
Fore more information about Wood Crest Cabinetry, including their brand new Shaker door style, please visit