Renovation Add-Ons to Spruce Up Your Shower
Want to spruce up your shower? There are several ways, beyond just tile, that can elevate your shower to luxury status. Check out these easy add-ons when you’re renovating your shower to increase enjoyment and ROI.

Prefab Benches
One of my favourite ways to take a shower from everyday to exceptional is to install a prefab bench. Installing one of these benches during the renovation process is a great way to provide extra safety and comfort, as well as add a spa-like element to the space. The easiest way to do this is to use either a prefabricated bench (available in triangular and rectangular configurations) or if you need a more custom size, to make one using Kerdi-Board. It’s important to use something that is both strong enough to sit on and totally waterproof. That way you can tile it and be confident it will not deteriorate due to the amount of water it’s exposed to. (You’ll notice I had a little fun with the design on this one!)

Shower Niches
If storage is what you’re looking for, look no further than prefabricated niches. Not only are recessed shower niches practical and able to hold essential items like soap and shampoo, but they also offer a great opportunity to make a design statement. During the renovation process, when you’re installing your waterproofing materials, you can incorporate a prefabricated niche made of Kerdi that will fully integrate with the rest of the Kerdi system. Then you can tile over it and be sure it will be completely waterproof. Just make sure when you’re planning your shower design that the niche is not directly in the line of water flowing from the shower. Keep in mind that you can also include a shelf in a prefabricated niche to maximize space even further.

If niches aren’t what you’re looking for, consider wall or corner shelves designed for tile walls. Schluter has a couple of different options depending on what you’re looking for. The SHELF-W style is a wall shelf that gets anchored behind the tile, while the SHELF-E is a corner shelf that can be used in both new showers and retrofits. They fit neatly between rows of tile and do not require any materials or fasteners to penetrate the waterproofing membrane on the walls. With retrofits, all you have to do is grind out some of the grout and use adhesive to keep them in place. Very solid and very sturdy, and best of all, the finishes match their drain grates and profiles for a thoughtful and professionally designed look.

If you want an easy add-on that will help achieve a polished look, tile profiles are a great option. But even more important than how they look is how they function. Profiles help protect the edges of tiled walls ensuring no chipping or cracking, while eliminating the need for unsightly caulking. If you’re going to the trouble and expense of tiling a bathroom, it’s imperative that you finish it off with a profile to suit the space. Schluter profiles come in a wide variety of materials, colors and finishes in order to complement virtually any bathroom design.

Any time you’re renovating a shower make sure you think beyond just the tile design and consider the important additions that can elevate both the style and function of your bathroom. Not only will you and your household appreciate these easy add-ons, but you’ll find they are also great selling features when it comes time to list your home.